We're a small fishing club for fly only fishing on the Tees & Balder. Based in the idyllic parish of Cotherstone, we offer annual membership to village residents, past or present & member accompanied guest day tickets for their family & friends. Fishing stretches roughly 2 miles on the Tees & Balder.

AGM 2018

Cotherstone Fly Fishing Club AGM and Subscriptions 2018

Held at the Red Lion, Wednesday 28th March 2018, by kind permission of Richard Robinson.

MINUTES – Meeting opened by Ian Brown at 20:15

1. Minutes for 2017 were read, proposed and accepted.

2. Election of Officers were to stay the same
Chairman, Ian Brown; secretary, John Tayler and treasurer, Richard Robinson were all re-elected.

3. Financial Statement (See treasurer’s report)
Read, proposed and accepted.
Club Deficit of £409.52 for 2017/2018.

4. Membership and subscriptions
There were 17 trout members, 5 with additional salmon membership in 2017/2018
Shortage of new members were to be addressed through current members seeking new members and local advertisement.

Subscriptions were to remain the same with the exception of guest/day tickets which were to return to £6:

SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2018/2019
Senior - £50 (over 65)
Full - £60
Junior - £15 (under 18)
Salmon - £43
Guest - £6

Subscriptions can be left with Richard Robinson, Red Lion or John Tayler, Glenair.
To be paid promptly please.

5. Any Other Business
There was a proposal to photograph caught trout, as evidence, on mobile phones for the Kidd Cup. This proposal wasn’t accepted. Members settled on a voluntary ‘catch & release’ policy with new minimum requirements. The new minimum length of any trout caught, kept and weighed by a club member must be 12 inches. Junior members were excluded from this and 9 inches remains the minimum length for caught, kept & weighed.

To address the chronic financial deficit members will actively seek new membership and local adverts will be made.
Chairman and secretary to approach landlords regarding fishing rents. Discuss possibility of moving to a pro rata rental and the possibility of gaining more access to water beyond our current boundaries.

Meeting closed at 21:19

Thank you to those who were able to attend the meeting and I look forward to seeing everyone at the annual dinner.


John Tayler. Hon. Sec.