Cotherstone Fly Fishing Club AGM and Subscriptions 2016
Held at the Red Lion, Tuesday 2nd February 2016, by kind permission of Richard Robinson.
10 members attended.
The Chairman, Ian Brown, spoke of the sad loss to the club of John Bird. A member for 21 years, Treasurer for 20. Our intention is to display a collection of Teesdale flies in the Red Lion. These have been gifted by Linda Bird.
1. Minutes for 2015 read and accepted.
2. Election of Officers
Chairman, Ian Brown and secretary, John Tayler, were re-elected. Richard Robinson was elected treasurer. Both Derek Kidd and Robin Quick were elected to the Committee.
It was also confirmed that 3 committee members constitute a quorum.
3. Financial Statement (See treasurer’s report)
Club Deficit of £96.64p for 2015.
It was agreed by all members present that Ian Brown and myself will be able to renegotiate rental terms at the end of this season.
4. Membership
16 Trout members.10 Salmon members.
New members: Theo Francis and his son Sebastian Francis.
Senior - £45 (over 65)
Full - £55
Junior - £15 (under 18)
Salmon - £40
Guest - £6
Subscriptions can be left at the Post Office, by kind permission of Alan and Dorothy.
At The Red Lion, by kind permission of Richard or with Ian Brown at The Owls, The Hagg.
If possible can they be paid before the end of March please.
5. Any Other Business
· Bank clearing, Sunday 3rd April. Meet Mill Top Bank at 10am.
· Annual Dinner. Tuesday 1st November. Fox and Hounds.
· Kidd Cup. Won by Derek Kidd again! Trout of 6ozs.
As a footnote we are still looking for new members especially juniors, to encourage local fishing.
If any members wish to extend their privileges to Salmon we still have several spaces available. It is a good deal for just £40 extra.
I am off to Australia for 5 weeks. If you have any questions I am sure that Richard in the Red Lion can direct you to a suitable committee member.
Best wishes for a good season.
John Tayler. Hon. Sec.